2024 Save Our Seas Virtual Distinguished Speaker Series

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Wednesday June 5

6:00 PM  –  7:30 PM


The 2024 Save Our Seas Distinguished Speaker Series, presented by the Save Our Seas Foundation, features scientists, conservationists, researchers and educators who will share their passion for our oceans in programs designed for Museum guests of all ages.

July 15
Community Shark Conservation in Turks and Caicos with Jillian Morris

August 1
The Importance of Seychelles for Blue Whales and More with Jeremy Kiszka

August 15
The Thresher Sharks of Rhun Island with Rafid Shidqi

September 5
Food Security and the Future for Sharks with Ana Barbosa Martins

September 19
Combining Community and Genetics for Conservation in Cameroon with Aristide Kamla

October 3
Karimunjawa – The Last Hope for Java’s Giants? with Faqih Akbar Alghozali

October 17
Sawfish Conservation - Bahamas & Amazonian Coast (International Sawfish Day) with Patricia Charvet and Tristan Guttridge

November 7
Missing in Maquarie: The Case of the Disappearing Maugean Skate with Cynthia Awruch

December 5
Protecting Silky Sharks in Fishing Hotspots with Bryan Keller